There are the facts, and then there are the facts. There is to be known, but there is also to be known. There is to be seen, but to be seen is an entirely different thing. Can the judge judge fairly if the judge does not recognize the judged?
If the good and the wrong are not known, if the evil and the right are not seen, if there is no joyful delight found in the worthy beauty of a life, or no indignant sorrow discovered in its undoing, there is no justice.
Sorrow is Joy’s companion in this ravaged world, but feel it. Understand that to love is to break, but that this cycle of ecstasy and devastation is seeing and knowing.
Without love we are no more than clanging symbols. Loud, irritating noisemakers, drowning out the murmurs of the fainthearted and the humanity of the marginalized.